Most Wanted Tips of Internet Marketing - Part 1. How to Create Online Shop

1.1 Build Online Store, Cheap and Passionate
If you want to do business with a way to sell on the Internet and has been have a product, you could create an online store. some years ago, the online store could be said to be a thing difficult. If you use the services of WebMaster, would eat a considerable cost expensive. Well, at that time very few people who have an online shop. But now with the blog, you don't need to understand programming and can easily make own online store.
Many CMS Blog facilities that you can use to create a blog, such as Joomla, Open Cart, Prestashop Multiply, Blogspot,  even WordPress. You can choose one of the services controlled in providing online store to display your products.
1.1.1 Examples of online stores powered by WordPress
1.1.2 Examples of online stores using Prestashop
1.2 Some Things to Consider !!!
With good management and manufacturing online store true, there's online store is expected to be well liked and attract people to transact at the store. in making online store, there are a few things to note:
• Provide clear contact, so that people who do not understand the payment system or purchase at the store you can directly ask you. You can put up status YM, BB PIN, or a phone contact in the online store blog so there will be interaction from you and the prospective buyer.
1.2.1 Examples of in-store Contact YM Online
• Provide the delivery address bank transfer or paypal, so that the who wants to buy a product in the online store can be directly pay. It would be better if you use a bank which is often used by many people, such as BNI, BCA, Independent, and others.
1.2.2 Installing the info bank transfer
• Provide a explanation or tutorial of how to buy and trade Your online store, so that people who want to shop and transaction will be easy to read explanation You give in one blog page online store.
• Do not forget to inform the cost of delivery of goods to customers so that customers are not only going to pay money purchase but also the cost of shipping (if there are). If necessary, also include there's shipping service you usemaking deliveries.
• Provide clear information on products, with not too much sentence in it so that prospective buyers will be more comfortable in surfing online store yours.
• If you want to look more professional, use CMS blog to support facilities shopping cart / add to cart (optional). If the CMS you are using doesn't support facilities shopping cart, you can use the service third party.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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